Adult ADHD Assessments
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A formal consultation with Jerome Perera (Clinical Psychologist) where your lifelong symptoms of ADHD will be identified. The session is expected to take approximately 90 minutes.
Completion of a set of questionnaires by participants to identify additional considerations for your unique presentation of ADHD. This is done independently by participants at a time convenient for you.
Completion of an online based assessment activity by participants to assess granular detail about specific aspects of your attention, hyperactivity and impulsivity. This step can be mentally draining so practice self-care.
Jerome will compile your final report including assessment scores, details about your presentation of ADHD and specific coping strategies for your unique presentation of ADHD.
A 30-minute debrief session booked with Jerome to discuss your diagnosis and report in detail and to answer any follow-up questions you may have (included in total cost).
The fee for the assessments and the consultations is $2,000 all inclusive.
Please note that adult ADHD assessments and consultation fees are not presently covered by Medicare and as such there will not a Medicare rebate.
Please feel free to contact us if you have any further questions, or would like to discuss the process of ADHD assessments.